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/Health & Body​/Communication​/Recovery



You might decide to hire a life coach for ANY of the following reasons:

You Feel Stuck or Blocked

If you feel like you’re stuck in the same place and want to start moving in the right direction to accomplish your goals, a life coach would be very helpful. Also, if you feel some kind of mental or emotional block that you can’t seem to get past on your own, a life coach will help guide you out of that mental state and into one where you can finally make progress.

You’re Unsure of Your Next Step

If you have a feeling of uncertainty or feel like you’re lost and don’t know where to go, or what to do to get what you want in life, this is a great opportunity to recruit a life coach to help you find purpose and direction in any area of your life.

You Want to Make Some Changes

If you want to grow, build your confidence, find your happiness or just start making some positive changes in your life, life coaching is a great solution. Feeling like something is missing in your life is a great opportunity to start making changes by transforming your life and your mindset.

Life coaching is NOT right for you if…

There are some situations where life coaching is not going to be the right thing for you. If you’re in need of therapy or serious counseling for a mental illness or issue in your life, you may want to consider resolving this or at least starting the resolution process with a counselor or therapist before seeking out a life coach.

Also, if you just want to be told what to do, this may not be the solution for you. A life coach is going to guide you and help you make your own decisions rather than get out a step by step play book and tell you exactly what to do.

Finally, you have to be willing to actually carry out the change. Life coaching isn’t right for you if you are not able to commit to working on yourself, stretching your thinking and taking action in your life. A life coach expects you to be involved in your solution and you will not gain anything from the experience if you do not want to change.

***I promise the strictest levels of confidentiality with client information, including establishing a clear agreement before releasing information to a third party, unless required by law.

Seminars & Workshops


Learning and growing is a never ending process. There are several different ways to learn and to grow. Some ways include Seminars & Workshops.

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