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Do you have trouble focusing and making decisions?

Do you feel like you are constantly seeking balance in your life? 

Do you frequently feel stuck or unsure of what to do next?

Do you tend to have negative expectations, or think the worst will happen?

Click the buttons above for info

take control of



Most people just want to feel free and alive. Our daily lives tend to take over and we can easily forget to stop and enjoy life. We tend to forget to be present. We tend to forget to smell the salty sea air, or fragrant flowers blooming. We tend to stuff our desires and needs to please others, or to get promoted. We tend to forget about self-love and self-care. But self-love and self-care are the most important aspects of life, that will provide us everything we seek and desire. Yes, even that promotion at work!

Climb, Overcome, Over come
Schedule a free
Phone & Facetime appointments available

You will be emailed within 24-48 hours to schedule your free 15 minute consultation.


Your Greatest Self.


You are capable of more than you know. There are no limits to what you can accomplish, if you are open to getting uncomfortable and making some important life changes. The only person in your way, is you. Life is full of opportunities, dreams, visions and goals... just waiting for YOU. Tell me what you want, and I can support you in getting there.

stop talking


It is time to stop talking the talk, and to start walking it. 


It is time to start connecting with people and building genuine authentic relationships.


It is time to be open and willing to make changes, in order to be free and happy.


It is time to reach for your dreams, visions, and goals- and to achieve them.


It is time to let go of fear, and to choose love.


It is time to get uncomfortable, in order to find comfort.


It is time to let go of self limiting beliefs.


It is time to trust the process of the Universe.


It is time to stop self beat up, shame, guilt and chaos.


It is time to... (fill in the blank)




It is not about how many years we are alive, it is about how much life we live in the years we are alive!

How you see your future

"Heather is a visionary coach. We received our coaching cerifications at the same time, but, she is light years ahead of me in her ability to offer sound, practical, effective coaching methods, that when implemented by a client, produces amazing results. Heather has an intuitive gift for exposing the limiting beliefs that interfere with people's goals. She has a strong, centered way of being with you that has you feel confident in your choices and trusting the process that is LIFE. If you are looking for short-term turn around breakthroughs, or long-term accountability coaching, Heather would be an excellent choice. Her integrity, compassion, and intelligence is exceeded only by her desire to have you take on your life at 100%. Hire her and watch your life take off. Do not hire her if you are unwilling to be wrong about the circumstances that stop you from achieving what it is you say you want for your life. Heather is a class act and an extremely capable life coach. Well versed in addiction/recovery issues, and especially effective in action based coaching that keeps you focused on your commitment to your vision for all areas of your life."

-Daney Jelley
Certified Life Coach, Workshop Facilitator, Leadership graduate, 31 years clean and sober.

"My work with Heather was extremely effective, lasting, and Unforgettable! 

I heard she wasn't a pushover and I knew I needed that. I even asked her to be extra tough on me, not give me an inch, so to speak. 

The breakthroughs I received were numerous and groundbreaking! The way she had me seeing things differently, realizing personal responsibility, and no longer allowing me to cheat myself was phenomenal! Her experience, ability to shift, look at things from a different perspective and get me to do the same literally changed my life. Her care, concern, love and empathy were something I have always wanted, and her tenacity, unconditional support, and her commitment to personal and World transformation is second to none. 

I love knowing she's only a phone call away, and that she will always accept me for who I am, while lifting me up to my higher self. I wish I knew more wonderful Souls like Heather! 

Thank you again, forever! <3"

-Joe Rollo, 41

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