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Certified Life Coach

"The bottom line in leadership isn't how far we advance ourselves, but how far we advance others." John C. Maxwell


Photo credit: SierraStormPhotography 

I am a survivor who has experienced and overcome many obstacles in my life. I am a lover of all people. We are all connected. I am not religious but I am spiritual. I respect people as they are. I trust the Universe, always.

How I Became A Life Coach 


Prior to becoming a Life Coach, I spent several years working at jobs that didn't feed my soul. I was constantly searching for that "something" to fill my soul and make me happy.

I thought that buying nice things, taking vacations, and wining & dining would make me happy! 


But the truth of the matter was I was hiding behind all of it to "look" happy! 


I was constantly stressed out, my soul was unfulfilled, and I was just plain stuck in life.  


And while I tried to pacify those feelings with all the shopping, trips, people, food and alcohol, it all rather unsurprisingly didn't change a thing. 


Several years ago, in search of something different, I signed on for a weekend workshop at Grow-Within (formerly TMC Productions) in Fort Myers, FL. Thinking that may do the trick.  


But that was just the beginning! 


Life Coach Training 


The first workshop, called the "Journey" was useful, but more than anything it increased my intense desire to change my circumstances and to continue learning and growing. 


I then continued on to the second course at TMC, called "ALPs" and my life was forever changed. Nothing could stand in the way of my visions after this four-day workshop! 


I could NOT stop there! I joined my first leadership, LIA 67, and was coached daily for 90 days, while working to get out of my head, unstuck and towards my goals to reach my visions. 


At that time I had known that I wanted the skills that Life Coaches have, so that I'd be able to manage my own situation more effectively, and in turn I would be able to support others in doing the same. 


The more l learned, the more I began to believe it is my life's calling. After completing my third Leadership, LIA 71, TMC Produtions officially certified me as a Life-Coach.


I have since completed other Leaderships and plan to continue participating in personal growth seminars and workshops, in order to continue learning and growing.


From the beginning, I loved life coaching.  


My passion is to help people get unstuck and find more purpose and enjoyment in their lives. 


I completely understand when someone says they’re looking for a change, but don’t know what it is yet or how to achieve it. 


Because I’ve been there, done that, and thankfully was lucky enough to walk away to now be doing a job that I am passionate about and that fills my soul. 




The Good News Is You Don't Have To Wait Several Years Like I Did To Get Unstuck In Your Life! 


Life Coaching succeeds by helping you work out what’s important to you, what it is you want and how to go and get it. 


I take what I do with people very seriously, and making the process fun and enjoyable is just as important to me.


I want the people I work with to get out of bed in the morning knowing that they will have a great time moving towards wherever it is they want. 




My work with Heather was extremely effective, lasting, and Unforgettable! 

I heard she wasn't a pushover and I knew I needed that. I even asked her to be extra tough on me, not give me an inch, so to speak. 

The breakthroughs I received were numerous and groundbreaking! The way she had me seeing things differently, realizing personal responsibility, and no longer allowing me to cheat myself was phenomenal! Her experience, ability to shift, look at things from a different perspective and get me to do the same literally changed my life. Her care, concern, love and empathy were something I have always wanted, and her tenacity, unconditional support, and her commitment to personal and World transformation is second to none. 

I love knowing she's only a phone call away, and that she will always accept me for who I am, while lifting me up to my higher self. I wish I knew more wonderful Souls like Heather! 

Thank you again, forever! <3 

Joe Rollo, 41



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